Cv. Agriprima

Main products: Beauty products agents; health product agents

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Agriprima company as one of agricultural product and material trading company - especially for compound fertilizer and animal husbandry. Our company have much experience to extend distribution some agricultural material to western java area and others market place. There are some kinds of agricultural material like inorganic and organic fertilizer, organic pesticide and compost held by our company. The otherhand, farmers as our agricultural material consumers produce some interesting following exotic tropical fruits: Mangos, durian, oranges, gujava and other fruits, ect. They have been produced many kinds such as local rice variety, local soybeans variety, local corn variety, exotic fruits and also livestock and animal husbandry especially sheep breeding, also lamb for consumer product since for long time ago. For mutual business in long time, agriprima company organize and set up their product to extend product market and networking. Agriprima as principle company held branding, packaging, promoting and technical assistance to increase their quality product. Agriprima would like to inform you that our company give intens and take priority for some health fruits, soybeans or rice paddy without pesticide using. Furthermore, with our inspection, farmer product enrich by specific and selective fertilizer kind, mineral from water resorces and good weather. Garut and other area where our company exist covered by montain hill area catagory - as same as some location in west java generally. Mutuals benefit between farmer and our company have made some agricultural product penetrate to the market. Since our company - agriprima cv held this business on 1996 ago, market demand and consumers believeble increase significant. In the future, anticipated for good market condition as we could held, we like to invite one or some investors for joining to manage or increase investment cooperation together.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameCv. Agriprima
Factory LocationJl. Pungkur115c, Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia Baoji,Shaanxi
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsBeauty products agents; health product agents
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideBeauty products agents; health product agents
Year Established2000

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